The Tempest.

Tristan Solianteaux.

Crystal. Balmung. EST

But I won't cry myself to sleep
'Cause my soul no longer weeps
While my body lies in the heart of the sea

“When I take something from a man – his ship, his money, his life – I don’t hide behind a clerk. I don’t hide behind the law. I don’t hide behind anything. I look him in his eye and I give him every chance to deny me.”

scars become mementos.




  1. this is a slightly lore-bending character. nothing too out there, just getting that out of the way.

  2. 21+ RP, minors dni. dark and mature themes happen here.

  3. no godmodding, i will atheistmod back.

  4. do not... and i mean DO NOT confuse IC with OOC. i am not a 6'10 pirate elf. i'm too old for drama, i'll go on my merry little way.

  5. I don't roleplay with people who use transphobic terms such as futa/trap/etc to describe their character.

hello, i'm trist! i'm cis femme, and go by she/they pronouns.
i've been roleplaying for 25+ years, starting out in ye olde days of ICQ, mIRC, and AOL chatrooms, as well as MSN and Yahoo! i've been around a while.
i've got a fiancé, and three wonderful furbabies, seen below. my hobbies are reading, music, crochet, art, cooking, gaming, and writing (duh lmao).hope you enjoy my scrungly pirate man. :)discord: elezenpirate


Sticks and stones are for you, you land living bones

salt and water melt my skin.

  name.    Tristan Solianteaux.
  age.    40.
  race.    Elezen - Ishgardian (Duskwight).
  birthday / nameday     22nd Sun, Third Umbral Moon.
  guarding deity.     Llymlaen.
  gender.     cis male.
  pronouns.     he/him
  sexuality.     pansexual, poly.

  height.     6 fulm, 10 ilms.
  weight.     300 ponze.
  hair color.     black with a reddish tint.
  eye color.     right = blue, left = sapphire gemstone.
  skin tone.     deep tan.
  notable features.     his back is a mess of scars, with a few decorating the front of his torso. both arms sport tattoo sleeves, one a nautical theme, the other skeletal. his eyes are mismatched, blue and black/yellow, which is only seen when he isn't wearing a patch.

  job occupation.    WAR, ROG, ACN
  place of origin.     Ishgard
  home.    Limsa Lominsa
  affiliation.     Lotus, Inc.
  family.    Lenore, wife; child on the way.
  marital status.     married.

  d&d alignment.     chaotic neutral.
  mbti.     entj-a.
  likes.     reading, collecting books, goldsmithing, fishing, brawling.
  dislikes.     sky pirates, holier-than-thou folk, sweet foods, onions.
  voice claim.     charles vane, black sails
  theme.     rise of the tempest

  personality.     Upon first interaction with the pirate, should one not be forced to bear the brunt of his ire or taunting, you'll see he's a rather pleasant person to socialize with. A smile will come easily to his lips, a growling chuckle or hearty laugh. He can be charming when he likes, and that's afforded him plenty of trouble.Above all, he is   vain   to a fault, a preening and prideful pirate. A compliment to his person is bound to open him up more, and make him more affable.Just don't be fake with him. Bringing a false persona or pretense will earn one his anger, or outright dismissal. He'd rather you hate him to his face. He'd respect you more that way.In his more brooding moments, he's simply quiet, thoughtful. A deeper, more intimate discussion would be the way to gain his attention. Whether it be political discourse, history, or current events... you'll likely find him to be good conversation.

headcanon one. tristan is a fan of 'The Boy and the Dragon Gay'. it was the first book he learned how to read, even though he was an adult. it's a cherished part of his collection, he's even got a first edition print, stolen from Gubal.headcanon two. unless you want to get stuck in a conversation for bells on end, do not ask him about the war of the magi. He is obsessed with the topic.headcanon three. his beloved chocobo giblet is a warbird, and is overly protective/possessive of tristan. the bird doesn't care for anyone else. the bird can, and has, eaten flesh.

headcanon four. while living as a street urchin in limsa lominsa, tristan was found by a kindly elder woman, and helped by her. He calls her his Gran'.headcanon five. tristan is a avid fisher, and will spend bells on end either at the pier in his ward of the mist, or costa del sol, just relaxing with pole in hand.headcanon six. tristan cares nothing for the rich and bourgeois. his kind are the low, the downtrodden, the whores and thieves. these are his people, and he will defend them.

ability one. tristan is a skilled sailor, as one would expect. he's knowledgeable about seabound ships, and about the oceans of etheirys, her tides, currents, and bounties.ability two. he can speak multiple languages. having worked in hingashi for a long time. he's fluent in hingan, doman, and xaelic due to business and trade.ability three. he does have the inner beast, which was in part to his other persona. it took many, many years for him to learn to control it, and even now can slip on keeping it reined in at times.

ability four. he's rather strong, and can swing a punch like he swings his axe, hammer, or hybrid hammer-axe. Just because you may catch him weaponless, it doesn't make him less of a threat. Proceed at your own risk.ability five. he is able to conjure shields to protect him and others, as well as provide some light forms of healing depending on the situation. as long as he's keeping his cool.ability six. knives. he's talented with those smaller blades, using two large, serrated weapons as his favorites. at any time he will have throwing knives hidden on his body. he's also skilled with guns, and has a plethora hidden in his home, and sometimes on him, for protection.


character stats.

social skills★★★★★★☆☆☆☆


every light of every day

eats away into decay.

lore: origin.

content warning: mentions of abuse, csa, suicide, slavery, & violence.

From birth, life was never easy for the young Elezen. A bastard born in Ishgard, he was bought and raised by slavers hidden deep in the Shroud. He was made to work from his earliest memories, laborious, demanding jobs even from a tender age. He was still a rebellious spirit, and suffered for it at the end of a whip, a fist, beaten near daily with whatever his owners had available. He persevered, even when bones were broken, when left bruised and bloodied, he would not give in.He had a friend, an invisible companion, a voice that would soothe him and calm his worst fears, try to ease his hurts. It took the brunt of his punishments when the beatings got too violent and bloody. They bonded tightly in hopeless conditions.Upon reaching his late childhood, and the signs of his highborn bloodline made themselves known with his elegant -- albeit feminine -- looks, he was forced into a different kind of labor. His days painful, his nights traumatic, he would learn to do what needed to be done to simply live. Survive. Rage grew within, a separate entity forming that served to protect him, in a sense. As time passed, and clientele grew, he'd hear tales. Stories of high seas, of treasons and treasure... of freedom. He longed for it, dreamed of open seas that he'd never seen, of large ships and the sting of salty spray beating against one's face in high winds.He would bide his time, and when the perfect moment struck, he killed the degenerate who bought him for the night, and fled. Lost and alone with nothing but the scraps of clothing on his back, he did what he had to do to reach the seas, to find his freedom. And rough though it was, he reached La Noscea, and found himself within the city walls of Limsa Lominsa.

He eventually found himself at the docks, an encounter with fisherfolk and with wary optimism, he soon landed a job aboard a sailing vessel. The job was anything but glamourous, making and tossing fresh chum out to the waters for the fishermen... but he had found his freedom. The seas were beautiful at times, and terrifying at others.He sailed for a summer with this amicable crew, and came to know them, to trust them. He'd found a father figure in the boat's captain, and was even taught to fish himself. A skill he'd carry with him for the rest of his life.That tragically came to an end as they unknowingly sailed too far out, away from the safety of patrolled waters, and into the path of a ruthless pirate ship. The ship destroyed, the crew executed, pilfered for anything and everything upon it. That rage, that other self emerged then, and he fought, attempted to maim, to kill. This garnered the attention of the ship's captain, a fearsome woman.Though the cost would be the sight in his left eye, a hideous scar carved into his face, he was brought aboard, made to serve once again. Forced to fight for everything -- food, water, a comfortable place to rest. There wasn't a single thing he didn't have to earn with pain and blood. He'd been gifted with one single blessing... he had begun training on the axe. A wretched thing, capable of so much senseless, wanton destruction. The weapon called to the rage within, he took to it well, almost too well, and quickly he rose in the ranks of the pirate crew. Not only did he earn a semblance of freedom again, he became entrenched in his new life, adapted to it, embraced it after a time. It offered an outlet for his anger like nothing else did. Upon coming of age, he bonded with his captain, and it truly felt as if they ruled the seas.

lore: a realm reborn.

All good things inevitably come to an end, and so did the captain's life. Caught by the Maelstrom at long last, the choice was forced — serve, or die. Though his loyalty lay with his crew, and his captain... he was driven by survival. His ever-blind need to live on, despite his hardships, despite the stuggles and pain and misery that came with it. So to the Maelstrom he went. A whole new life, yet more of the same servitude filth he'd come to despise.His skills with the axe were honed, and he trained on the lance as well, taking to the pole arm surprisingly well. Taught to read and write, he soon became obsessed with books, he couldn't get enough of knowledge. This was the beginning of his growing intelligence, a skill he never knew he had. Sure, he'd been clever in the streets as a child, but never he thought himself the academic sort.During his extensive training to become the perfect little soldier and sailor, he was sent to Abalathia's Spine, courtesy of the Marauder's Guild. They had seen his inner beast, and thus he'd go to train with the rugged Hellsguard to further his experience, and perhaps teach him to control it.

He was given his first job stone there, and to this day, it remains one of his most beloved possessions. Setting it in a golden frame with a golden chain, the stone is often times found around his neck, never far from his heart.He would, soon after, wash out of the Maelstrom after serving what was required of him, having been discharged without honor. Which was all fine and well by him.Free of his bondage yet again, he walked an aimless path. Taking dirty work for coin, drinking himself into oblivion and starting barfights, he was lost. After a time, and at risk of swinging from a noose courtesy of Admiral Bloefhiswyn, he went back to the seas.Perhaps now, perhaps in some way, his life could truly, truly begin. He could find his place in the world, his calling, his niche. He would do anything for it.The terror of The Tempest was soon to dance on the tongues of his fellow reavers, of pirates and sailors alike.

lore: heavensward.

Into a new bondage he went, swearing fealty to a new captain, a new crew. Again he fought, again he rose. Through blood, sweat, tears, and manipulation did he rise to Captain himself, thanks in no small part to a mutiny he started himself. The former captain was keelhauled, gruesomely murdered for no reason more than to serve the Elezen's growing ambitions.He found himself with a loyal crew, and a ship he named Saoirse — 'Freedom' in an old, lost tongue. His first mate became his lover, a female Rogaydyn name Moengeim. She was ever as vicious as he himself could be.As time went on, the man now known as The Tempest rose to infamy on the seas. His rage was well known to all save himself, periods of blackout his only knowledge of such horrid atrocities caused by his own hand.Long did the reaver ship rule over the seas, ravaging ships, taking their stock and loot, and destroying them just to see the crews drown. Beachside villages saw their homes raided, their women raped, and children and men killed. All in sport for Tristan's hellish alter-ego. A personality shaped by the horrors he endured.

Sidhion soon named herself, for as time went by on the ocean, did she grow more prominent over Tristan. Her maliciousness, her dark intent, all to serve her own purposes. His greed, his need for murder, mayhem, and all manners of chaotic evil, born from her whims.Tristan began to learn of these acts he committed. Began to feel and hear that persona that had once been his salvation, now his condemnation. He would sail for a few weeks to a month at time, and then return home, only to lock himself away and drink. Drink until he no longer felt the pain he caused others. Drug himself until nothing mattered. Until he could release the guilt he felt in his heart.He spent his time on land being a typical sailor. No one would know of his illicit affairs. He was a charmer, a man able to seduce and bed anyone he found worthy of his time. He was a brawler, enjoying the fun of a simple spar.In his quiet moments, he would read, or go fishing. On land, he seemed no more than a simple man, a disguise he wore well, even in the light of a found lover. He'd never known such feelings before.

lore: stormblood.

With ill-gained riches and a now husband at his side, Tristan was able to establish a base of operations, located on the beach in Shirogane. With this, him and his crew could have more respite more between successful raids.Soon enough, his husband would become pregnant, and it wasn't long before they learned they were expecting twins. The pirate left the majority of his operations in the hands of his crew, and took on the job of running a business on land, to be there in times of need for his significant other.As time went on, his excitement for having children melted into fear. Fear he'd not be good enough. Tristan spiraled out of control, and was soon spending his days and nights whoring, drinking, and fighting.His husband would leave him after a bitter fight, and to the present, Tristan wouldn't ever see the children he fathered. This furthered his spiral, his guilt and anger at himself consuming him. He returned to the sea.Driven more insane than before, Sidhion was a unrelenting storm, wild and free to be even more vicious than before. She killed, she maimed, her degeneracy and wrath knew no bounds. The Tempest was the happiest he could ever be, despite the suffering wrought on Tristan as the price paid.

That came to a sudden and terrible end, when Saoirse came across a Garlean warship in the waters off Thavnair. Thinking it a trade and shipping vessel, they learned the hard way when the ship was down in mere moments, torn from bow to stern.Most of his crew died, to cannon fire, to sharks drawn by the blood, to drowning. Tristan himself drowned, dead for minutes, before being saved by his first mate.His memories were shot, he had no recollection of anything. He would learn of who and what he was from Moengeim, his only remaining crewmate, and as he returned to the world at large, he was a paranoid mess, unsure of who to trust and who would possibly take his life for his misdeeds.A Roegadyn he'd warred with in times past was first to come to him, and the resulting battle left him with marred, burned skin and a mangled foot. He was tended to by his lovers at the time, and with their help, and plenty of gil, he was set up with skilled chirurgeons, who were able to repair his foot. The burn scars remain, a constant reminder of his loss.With time, and as he healed, memories would return... though to this day, he has issues remembering things.

lore: shadowbringers.

Having gained some semblance of himself again, Tristan was getting back into the swing of things. He had wonderful lovers, a good life, and while he couldn't bring himself to rejuvenate his company, he kept it... for the memories.He lost loves, and gained, but a fate encounter in the back alley of Ul'dah known as Pearl Lane was where he met a woman he thought his soulmate. He felt things he'd never felt before, the need to protect, the desire to do better, the drive to improve. He'd never felt so close to another soul before.Eventually, he joined the company she worked for, and while things were rocky at first, he soon settled in, and gained a good deal of company mates, and friends. To this day he'd treasure a number of them still.They had a number of adventures, and struggles, but none so rough as when half the company mysteriously vanished during a rough battle with a high-ranking voidsent. The monster, having been critically damaged, attempted to flee back to the void, and tried to take those fighting it with it. Having witnessed it, Tristan became a co-lead in the operation to bring them back.

The voidsent, in it's pain and confusion, didn't take the company to the void. They were taken to a mysterious place called Norvrandt. With time being different here than on Hydaelyn, the company was aging faster. People were growing and changing, and what was a five-week operation to bring them back ended up being five years to those trapped.It was long and hard work to get them home, and to Tristan, it was rough with his fiancée having been in the group. Glad was he to have her back.It felt like a short-lived victory. Soon, his life was changing yet again, the company turning a new leaf. Soon...They went from adventurer's guild to a club. It was a awkward time, growing pains as many who only knew combat had to either grow into new roles, or look for new companies. Tristan, being a businessman, took to assisting rather well. Selling himself? Not so much. He preferred staying free when it came to who he bedded.Things seemed to be going well...Perhaps too well.

lore: endwalker.

The Final Days. When the star as a whole came under threat, when darkness and despair won over the minds of many, and turned them into monstrous beasts. Though much of this was centered in Ilsabard, pockets of activity emerged elsewhere.It emerged around him. Turned friends into terrors. He bore witness to it all, forced to take down comrades. To take down their children.He refuses to talk about it.His relationship soon came to an end after, further threatening to break the man down. Yet, still he stood. He merely went back to his old ways again, fighting and fucking and drinking.Yet even in this, there was still hope. He met someone new, and things kicked off quickly. A sordid romance quickly bloomed into what the pirate thought was true love. He had found his soulmate at last. He was never happier.It was only made better when a fellow slave from his childhood entered the picture. A cherish friend. Together, the three of them became nigh inseparable.Soon, a child was added to the family. The daughter of his girlfriend, they had rescued her from her father, a Garlean scientist.They were soon wed, he and his beloved, and the four because a family. Something that the Elezen had never had before. Something he thought he needed.Sidhion hated it. This wasn't the life for them.

Though will and sheer luck and on an ill-fated mission for the pirate, Sidhion was able to take Tristan's body. She near escaped back to sea with that form, if he'd not been found out and caught. Using an experimental procedure, they fused Tristan and Sidhion together. Tristan now knew everything.Soon, everything started to change. He learned of his parentage, he dealt with a voidsent cult. These were things he never wanted.Sidhion has been sealed away in a reaper's job stone soon after, and further sealed away inside the pirate's left eye. Used as his avatar, Tristan could call on her to fight for blood or coin. Life was calm.Until he couldn't take it anymore. This wasn't him, this wasn't how he wanted to live. He was wild and untamed as the sea. He was crazy and drunk and drugged up and a fiend. He'd been shoved into a box, made to conform, and the reaver wanted to break free.And he did. Sidhion hadn't been so wrong after all.Back to his old life, to drinking, slutting around, drugs. He now works with a long-time friend, running security at Shady's.Recently, he's dove deep into work, and things have been going well. He sails at his pleasure, he's in bed within the criminal element he loves. Making connections and doing business is his new bread and butter. Wed again, and with a child on the way.The future looks bright, even in the dark of the underworld.


darkness breaks and with her the morning wakes.

she mocks us, weary as we drown.

hook one.
fellow sailors and/or pirates — tristan is always fond of getting to speak with someone who knows the sea like he does. he'd love to have someone to talk shop with, as it were. his name was also well known on the waves in his heyday. not sky pirates, though. they're smelly.
hook two.
books, books, books— being an avid reader and collector of tomes, tristan will talk novels all day with anyone. his greatest love is for history and historical fiction, but nothing is off the table. he'll read anything recommended to him, and will make recommendations of his own.
hook three.
fellow Warriors— he loves to get to know those who carry the inner beast or the will of karash. he likes knowing he's not alone out there, and that he's got others to get to know, and perhaps spar up with, testing each other. he loves a good, challenging fight.
hook four.
pearl lane— his usual haunt. he loves to be in the back alley, leaning up against a boarded up doorway. this is where he's met many of his friends and more. he'll always be a major denizen of the place, and it's a good spot to have a casual conversation with the pirate.
hook five.
criminal underworld — the pirate's got his fingers in quite a few pies when it comes to illicit trade and smuggling. if you're looking to have your goods sold quick, he just might be the one you'd want to call on for quick, painless, and professional moving. no matter the cargo.
hook six.
relic hunting — the newest job he's taken on as a hobby is seeking out rare, dangerous, and valuable relics. with all his knowledge rooted in history and pirating, this comes as an easy job for him. no matter the prize, he's sure to sniff it out.